Complexity is integral to all living
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
June 19, 2011
The winter garden lies still
in the winter solstice:
not clammy fog but low cloud
holds morning light softly to the ground.
Leaves shine, straggling roses proudly glow,
the last blue salvia still invites the hungry bird.
One could be forgiven for thinking
there was no movement
in this darkest day.
Once they thought the atom was the ultimate
unit of indivisible matter:
solid, still, inert.
Then they found worlds of wonder
movement continuous, and space predominant,
capsulating The Universe of mighty energy
in points small to the edge of imaging.
Would I wonder if the oneness of God
were free of complexity within:
so one as to be perfectly simple?
so simple as to be perfectly still?
Where would there be love,
the gravity attraction that makes the universe
if all was utter simple oneness sans complexity?
Trinity within the Divine Being is pure mystery,
yet logically necessary, though quite beyond the grasp
of any logic we may know or dare.
My own mind speeds through time and space
whisking weaving winding
watching its own wonders
walking warily through thorny thicket thoughts:
and should I wonder that in God there is complexity?
Blessed Trinity
Sublime Unity
Bonded by Love
for, among all the ideas we might have
about the ‘nature’ of your Being,
the one that says it all is LOVE.
We are the flowering and fruit of that love
so that we too share the complexity of loving:
holding together by the gravity of love
the good that evil cannot annihilate.
Daily we love in gratitudinal response:
your love expanding in our hearts
like billion suns through billion years of space.
Glory be.